Verimatrix Mobile App Production & Shield

Enterprise-Level App Protection, Simplified

Consumers’ primary interactions with businesses are now via mobile apps. To maintain customer trust and safeguard revenue, applications must be secure and reliable. With Verimatrix App Shield (formerly ProtectMyApp), developers can quickly safeguard their intellectual property and customer data with proven solutions. Get peace of mind before you send your app into the wild.

Leverage Robust, Self-Defending Security​

When your app is protected by Verimatrix’s App Shield, it will respond immediately to threats and defend itself. Inject automated anti-tamper technology, environmental checks and code obfuscation into your apps to safeguard them from a wide range of attacks.

Avoid Human Error with Unparalleled Protection​

Verimatrix App Shield applies a unique automated and intelligence driven process, which removes the risk of human error creating weak or unchecked areas in your app. No specialist security knowledge is required. This also enables a large application to be protected as easily as a simple test app.

Instant Protection with No Code Required​

App Shield is a cloud service that offers unprecedented protection in minutes, with no integration required. Simply upload your final app for protection and receive a secured version back – ready to publish to the app store of your choice within 10 minutes.

Award-Winning Cybersecurity

App Shield (formerly ProtectMyApp) was recently named the “Best Cybersecurity Product” by CSI Magazine. Have confidence that your apps are shielded from attack with protection that has been proven in the toughest markets and acknowledged by reputable industry leaders.

Protects Your Apps from a Wide Range of Threats

Automated detection of jailbroken and rooted phones is critical to ensure that your code is executing exactly the way you want it to.​

App Shield keeps hackers from modifying code and circumventing security measures so they cannot gain access to valuable data.​

Environment checks allow you to trust that your code is executing where you want it to and not on a device of an attacker’s choosing.

Tamper prevention creates a comprehensive “check network” to prevent protections from being lifted out of your app.

Layered security and multiple automated checks will greatly hinder reverse engineering attempts.​

App Shield keeps data secure and ensures that hackers can’t take control of your app while it executes.​