The Growing Need for API Protection
Verimatrix API Security Empowers You to Repel a Wide Range of API Attacks, Including:
Man in the Middle
Device Spoofing
SQL Injection
API Security Protects Your Entire Connected Ecosystem

Powerful, Automated Tools to Safeguard APIs
This crypto-security toolkit allows you to maintain total control of your keys and design a unique cryptographic architecture to prevent hackers from analyzing your app code. Architect APIs to support only necessary client use cases, preventing SQL injection attacks.
Code Protection
A hacker’s first step in exploiting API vulnerabilities is to analyze your app code. With this on-premise solution, keep APIs secret and harden your mobile app by making it difficult for cybercriminals to understand how clients are communicating with your backend.
App Shield
This cloud service for Android and iOS automatically injects powerful security into your app, removing the risk of human error creating weak, unchecked areas. No specialist security knowledge is required for use and the solution can be implemented in a matter of minutes.