Netwrix CyberSecurity & Auditing for Technology

Mitigate the Insider Threatand Secure Your Intellectual Property and Customer Data

Safeguard sensitive data
from insider misuse and
external attacks.
Maintain productivity and
high-quality service by ensuring
ongoing system availability.
Pass compliance attestations
and earn the trust of
your customers.

Identify security gaps in your environment

Enforce the least-privilege principle, eliminate security holes, deter privilege abuse and minimize your attack surface by regularly reviewing accounts, groups and permissions in your environment.

Promptly detect insider activity that could compromise data and system security

Reduce data security risks by ensuring the accountability of privileged users in your environment. Set up alerts to promptly detect actions that might lead to system downtime or jeopardize the safety of your source code and other sensitive data.

Uncover the root cause of every security incident

Easily search through security intelligence and reconstruct events – step by step and with all relevant context – to determine exactly what happened and how you can prevent similar incidents in the future.

Pass compliance audits to prove to your partners that your company is trustworthy

Get more business by successfully demonstrating the effectiveness of your security policies and your ability to safeguard sensitive data during compliance audits, both for general standards like ISO/IEC 27001 and for industry-specific regulations like HIPAA.
How can we help you?

Contact us or submit a business inquiry online.

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