Ensure the Availability of Educational Resourcesand Keep Student Data Secure
Safeguard educational records from insider misuse and external attacks. |
Ensure uninterrupted access to educational systems and data for students and staff. |
Prove to compliance auditors that student records and other sensitive data are protected. |
Take a proactive approach to data security threats
Enforce the least-privilege principle, eliminate security gaps, deter privilege abuse and limit your attack surface by keeping close track of the accounts, groups and permissions in your environment.
Quickly detect and investigate potential security incidents
Reduce data security risks by quickly identifying suspicious events — like a sudden spike in failed login attempts or data modifications — that can indicate improper user behavior or an automated attack such as ransomware.
Ensure uninterrupted educational processes
Maximize user productivity by proactively dealing with user issues such as password expiration, promptly resolving helpdesk calls to restore missing data, and quickly detecting and troubleshooting critical configuration changes that might otherwise cause system downtime.
Pass compliance audits with less effort and expense
Prove your compliance with FERPA, HIPAA and other regulatory standards by demonstrating the effectiveness of your security policies and your ability to safeguard educational records and other personal data.