Globalsign – Digital Signature for eMail Security

Digital Authentication Services for Signing Code

Digital Signatures provide authenticity and integrity to digital messages such as email, documents and code distributed via the Internet.

Digital Signatures allow organisations to securely exchange data and improve electronic workflows.

To apply Digital Signatures to messages and files the organisation must hold a valid digital certificate. Digital certificates are issued by GlobalSign.

We are a trusted Certificate Authority and we maintain one of the world’s largest and most trusted Public Key Infrastructures (PKI).

Digital Signatures Provide the Following:

Digitally signed messages/documents/code can be used to authenticate the author or source.

Messages/documents/code altered after being digitally signed will invalidate the signature alerting the recipient to any unintended changes or abuse.

Digitally signed messages/documents/code can be used to authenticate the author or source. Integrity Messages/documents/code altered after being digitally signed will invalidate the signature alerting the recipient to any unintended changes or abuse.

Secure Email - Digitally Sign and Encrypt Emails:

Digitally Signing an email

Digitally signing an email proves authorship and prevents tampering, assuring the email recipient that the email came from you, not an imposter, and that the content of the email has not been altered in transit.

Encrypting email

Encrypting email ensures message privacy and keeps sensitive information from falling into the wrong hands.
Secure Email is achieved using GlobalSign’s Digital Certificate solution called PersonalSign. PersonalSign Certificates are cryptographic signing certificates that bind your verified, physical identity to the certificate so recipients of email messages can verify that the email actually came from you.

Secure eMail Benefits:

  • Prevent tampering of email content
  • Prove message origin
  • Prevent exposure of email content
  • Flexible and secure communication
  • Easy to implement

PersonalSign Certificates:

1. PersonalSign 1


General Use Digital Certificate (Ownership of email address)

Email Address

$59 per year

2. PersonalSign 2




PersonalSign Digital Certificates to represent themselves (Ownership of email address plus identity assurance of individual)Email Address & Named Individual
(Joe Smith
$79 per year
3. PersonalSign 2 Pro



Digital Certificate for Department (Ownership of email address plus assurance of Organization existence) Email Address, Named Individual, & Organization
(Joe Smith ABC Company
$89 per year
4. PersonalSign 2 Department



Digital Certificate for Department
Named Department (Accounting)$249 per year
How can we help you?

Contact us or submit a business inquiry online.

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