Import and Export Certificate – Microsoft Windows

Importing and Exporting an SSL Certificate in Microsoft Windows

Article Purpose: This article provides step-by-step instructions for importing and exporting your SSL certificate in Microsoft Windows. If this is not the solution you are looking for, please search for your solution in the search bar above.

Import the Certificate

In order to import the certificate you need to access it from the Microsoft Management Console (MMC).

  1. Open the MMC (Start Run > MMC).
  2. Go to File Add / Remove Snap In
  3. Double Click Certificates
  4. SelectComputer Account.
  5. Select Local Computer > Finish
  6. Click OK to exit the Snap-In window.
  7. Click [+] next to Certificates > Personal > Certificates
  8. Right click on Certificates and select All Tasks > Import
  9. Click Next
  10. Click Browse
  11. Select the .cer, .crt, or .pfx you would like to import. Click Open.
  12. Click Next
  13. Select Automatically select the certificate store based on the type of certificate.
  14. Click Finish & OK

    The certificate is now visible in IIS.

Export the Certificate as a .pfx

In order to export the certificate you need to access it from the Microsoft Management Console (MMC).

  1. Open the MMC (Start Run > MMC).
  2. Go to File Add / Remove Snap In
  3. Double Click Certificates
  4. SelectComputer Account.
  5. Select Local Computer > Finish
  6. Click OK to exit the Snap-In window.
  7. Click [+] next to Certificates > Personal > Certificates
  8. Locate and select the certificate for the correct domain.
    Right Click and select All tasks > Export.
  9. Press Next
  10. Select Yes, export the private key.
  11. Choose Personal Information Exchange – PKCS#12 (.PFX) for the certificate file format. Check the boxes for:
    Include all certificates in the certificate path if possible
    Export all extended properties

    Click Next.
  12. Enter a password for your private key. Press Next.
  13. Click browse and save your .pfx
  14. Press Next > Finish > OK.

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