High-availability server maker Stratus hit by ransomware

Stratus Technologies has suffered a ransomware attack that required systems to be taken offline to prevent the attack’s spread.

Stratus Technologies is a well-known provider of high availability products, such as their ztC edge computing devices and the ftServer fault-tolerant server solution. Stratus products are commonly used by banks, telecommunication providers, emergency call centers, and healthcare that require fault-tolerant 99.999% (five nines) uptime.

Yesterday, Stratus Technologies disclosed that they suffered a ransomware attack, which led them to shut down portions of their network and services to isolate the attack.

“On March 17, 2021, Stratus Technologies, Inc. was the victim of a ransomware event. Upon detecting suspicious activity, we took several systems offline to isolate the issue and began to initiate our business continuity plan,” Stratus Technologies disclosed today.

As part of their response, Stratus also took their ActiveService Network (ASN) and Stratus Service Portal off-line.

The Stratus ActiveService Network (ASN) is a service offered with its fault-tolerant products that allow Stratus engineers to monitor devices over private, secure communications channels. This service enables Stratus engineers to respond to problems or automatically replace failing parts to avoid downtime on customer’s systems.

Stratus states that they contacted all of their ASN customers to provide further support.

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